Portuguese National Anthem

Together with the flag, the national anthem of is a solemn patriotic song which is officially taken by as an expression of national identity.

The National Anthem of Portugal

The Portuguese national anthem song showcases the national ancestry of Portugal and displays the patriotism, pridefulness and national obligation. Together with the Portuguese national flag, it serves as a driver to the sensation of national pride for Portuguese citizens worldwide.

The Portuguese National Anthem’s name is, “A Portuguesa”, and is also called “The Portuguese”.

The Portuguese national anthem lyrics was written by Henrique Lopes de Mendonça.

The Portuguese song music was composed by Alfredo Keil and you can see or download the Portuguese national anthem music sheet from the links on this post.

“A Portuguesa” was officially embraced as the national anthem of Portugal in the year of 1911.

Portuguese National Anthem Song

When is Portuguese National Anthem Played or Sung?

National anthem of Portugal is generally played or sung during national holidays, specifically on the independence day celebrations in Portugal. It is also performed during cultural and other festivals in Portugal, typically marking off the start or the end of such celebrations.

National anthem of Portugal is also frequently performed in global sporting occasions, such as the Olympic Games as well school sport occasions.

What is the importance of Portuguese National Anthem in Portugal?

The national anthem of Portugal, like other national signs of Portugal, embodies the tradition, history, and faiths of Portugal and its people. It assists evoke sensations of patriotism among the Portuguese individuals and advises them of their Portugal’s magnificence, appeal, and abundant heritage.

It also assists join the residents of Portugal by one single tune or music. During the performance of the Portuguese national anthem, citizens of Portugal, regardless of their ethnic distinctions, rise up in unity and listen attentively or sing the song with excellent enthusiasm.

Sports men and women from Portugal also feel a terrific moment of honor when they receive a medal at a global sporting event while Portugal’s national anthem is played in the background. It gives them a sensation of having actually made their nation proud. Students who listen to the national anthem of Portugal in schools learn to respect their nation and develop a spirit of unity among themselves.